15 Essential Directory Related Commands in Linux
Tamizh Tech Tutorial
Linux Tutorial - Directory Related Commands
(15 Examples)
Linux Commands
In this tutorial, you will find the 15 essential directory related commands in the linux / unix.
1. mkdir command
This command is used to create a new directory in the linux terminal
It takes only one argument which is the name of the directory name
Directory creation
Sub directory creation with help of -p option
mkdir directoryname
directoryname is a user defined name.
Sub-directories creation
With the help of option -p, we can create multiple sub-directories under a directory.
mkdir -p existing_directoryname/sd
mkdir -p existing_directoryname/{sd1, sd2, sd3, sd4, …sdn}
-p indicates parents (parent directory)
existing_directoryname is a name of existing directory name
sd is a name of sub-directory
sd1, sd2,sd3,...sd4 are names of newly created sub directories under the parent directory.
2. rmdir command
This command is used to remove (delete) an empty directory
It takes only one argument which is the name of the existing empty directory name
It is not possible to remove a non empty directory
Directory should not be current directory
rmdir exising_directoryname
exising_directoryname is the name of an already created directory.
Example - Removing Empty Directory
3. pwd command
This command is used to display the path of present working directory (current working directory)
4. ls command
This command is used to display the files and folders in current working directory
This command is also used to list the files in the specified input directory
ls // list files in current directory
ls directory-name // list files in mentioned input directory
Example 1 - Listing files and subfolders in current (present) directory
Example 2 - Listing files and subfolders in specified directory
5. find command (Search for files and directories)
This command is also used to display the files and folders in the current working directory or user specified directory using the options d and f.
Using option f, this command is used to list only files in current directory or specified directory including sub-directories
Using option d, this command is used to list only subdirectories in current directory or specified directory
find directorypath -type d
find directorypath -type f
directorypath can be the path of the current working directory or user specified directory.
Example 1 - Displaying only all files from user specified directory named test5
Example 2- Displaying only directories from user specified directory named test5
6. cd command
cd stands for change directory
Quickly switch between the current and previous directories.
This command is used to change the path from current directory to path of target directory (location)
cd directory-path // move from current path to user specified directory path
cd .. // move from current path to its parent directory
Example - Moving path from current directory to user specified directory named test5
7. tree command
This command is used to display the files and folders in current working directory in the tree order (hierarchical order)
By default, it will list both files and subfolders in the current directory
If you want to print only subdirectories, then use option -d
tree // list files and folders in current directory
tree -d // list only subfolders in current directory
tree directory-name // list files and subfolders in user specified directory
Example 1 - Displaying files and folders in current directory
Example 2 - Displaying only subfolders in current directory
Example 3 - Displaying files and subfolders in user specified directory
8. dir command
This command is alternative to ls command
Like ls command, this command is used to display the files and folders in current working directory
This command is also used to list the files in the specified input directory
dir // list files & subfolders in current directory
dir directory-name // list files & subfolders in user specified directory
Example 1 - Listing files and subfolders in current (present) directory
Example 2 - Listing files and subfolders in user specified directory named test5
9. cp command
cp stands for copy
Generally, cp command can be used for both file copying as well as directory copying
Using cp command with option -r (recursively), we can copy the contents of one directory into another directory
cp src_directorypath target_directorypath // copy files to source to target directory
10. echo command
Typically, echo command is used to display the message on terminal
With pattern *, it is used to display files and folders in current directory or user specified directory
echo * // list files and folders in current directory
echo directory-path/* // list all files in user specified directory using the option /*. Here / indicates the level of directory.
Example 1 - Listing files and folders in current directory
Example 2 - Listing files and folders in user specified directory named test5
11. stat command
stat stands for status about file
This command is used to display the complete detailed information about a file or directory like file-name, file-size (in bytes), number of links, blocks, file-type, Inode number, etc,.
stat file // display detailed the information about a file
Stat directory-name // display the detailed information about a directory.
12. realpath command
This command is used to display the absolute path of a file or directory
realpath file // display the absolute path of an input file
realpath dir // display the absolute path of an input directory
Example 1 - Displaying the absolute path of given file
Example 2 - Displaying the absolute path of input directory named test5
13. mktemp command
This command is used to quickly create a temporary file or directory in the current directory
Using option -d, it will create a temporary directory
mktemp -d // create a temporary directory
Example - Creating a temporary directory
14. du command (display the file size)
du stands for disk usage
This command is used to display the space usage(file size) of file or directory in KB.
Here the file or directory can be current or user specified file or directory
du file // display the usage about given file
du directory-name // display the usage about given directory
Example - Listing the space usage about file as well as directory named cy1.txt and test5
15. mv command
mv stands for move
This command is used for moving a file / directory from one location to another location
This command is also used to renaming a file / directory
This command can be used for both moving as well as renaming a file or directory.
mv src_file target_file // rename source file with target file name
mv src_directory target_directory // rename source directory with target directory name
Example - Renaming source directory named dd to target directory named dd1
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Tamizh Tech Tutorial
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